Annual Events Santa Rosa

Throughout the year, multiple events are held to enhance the Puente experience. The following is a list of common activities for the year.

Fall semester

Noche de la Familia: This potluck is a chance for students, their families, and the instructors to meet. This event is a special chance for families to learn more about the program and to support their students.

Student Motivational Conference: Sponsored by the University of California, the Northern California Transfer Motivational Conference takes place at a University of California campus in northern California each fall. All northern California Puente programs meets for a day of community-building and to gather information about the transfer process, financial aid, and college success.

Cultural/Social Events: During the fall semester our program plans fun cultural or social events. Such activities include a theatre event, museum, movie night, etc.

Student/Mentor Mixer: Mentors and students have their first chance to get to know one another.

Posada Navidena: Puentistas attend this yearly event held at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts.

Spring Semester

Student/Mentor Mixers: Two events are held on campus to allow students and their mentors to meet and socialize.

University Fieldtrips: Every Spring semester our program visits local universities to learn about their majors, programs, and services.

Cultural/Social Events: During the Spring semester our program plans fun cultural or social events. Such activities include a theater event, museum, movie night, etc.

Completion Ceremony: Congratulations! At the Annual Student Recognition Dinner, we honor our Puentistas for their success and perseverance in making it through two rigorous semesters of English and counseling classes and fulfilling all the requirements of the program. We also honor Puentistas who are transferring to a four-year university and those who are graduating with Bachelors, Masters, or Post Doctorate Degrees.